239 research outputs found

    Water resources management and the law: comparative study between Kedah and Selangor state government / Razali Muhammad, Abd Rahman Ramli, Abd Hamid Abd Rahman.

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    This research is a critical analysis on the differences in water resources management between the State of Kedah and Selangor after the amendment of the 9th Schedule in Federal Constitutional The establishment of Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara in 2006, under the provision of Water Service Commission Act and employs the Water Service Industry Act (WSIA) 2006 as regulatory tools to restructure the water resources management. The new system will ensure a more sustainable and efficient water supply service in Malaysia. However, since the land and water is under the jurisdiction State Authority on the State List,many conflict occurred between the Federal and State Government. This led to question, where is the significant and effectiveness of the WSIA 2006 in protecting the interst of the stakeholders in the Kedah and Selangor?. Malaysia had applies the unitary management and many agencies including the sState organization are involve play their function for water sustainability. However, there is no single agency entrusted with overall responsibility of holistic planning and management of water. Thus,this study was conducted on order to examine the differences in water resources management in Selangor and Kedah and the important of relevant regulatory body in both States

    Contractor’s design responsibility in Malaysian traditional and design and build construction contracts: a legal perspective / Abd Hamid Abd Rahman … [et al.]

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    Much as we desire not to have mishaps, we cannot avoid accidents; but we can certainly minimize its occurrence. This is a research in one of the contributing factors to structural failure: the design. It analyses the extent of contractor design responsibility by providing the legal insight into the extent of liability for contractors between two types of procurement contracts in Malaysia: the design and build and traditional methods. The focus of the research is on design liability in torts as this is where the development of the case laws is more pronounced. Selected cases from the UK, Canada, Australia and Singapore show that the courts readily emphasize liability greater on design and build contractor, adopting the higher standard, compared to the exercise of reasonable skill and care for the traditional contractor. Within the setting of the design and build contract, the contractor owes the highest liability, where fit-for-purpose liability is implied even in absence of the contractual provisions. Their liability can extend even to the end user when latent defects manifest themselves by the designer builder. The standard of care expected of the consultant is limited to the exercise of reasonable skill and care, although exceptions arise when fit-for-purpose liability can be transferred by the contractor. The research concludes with the findings that the case law in Malaysia has not developed as extensive as other jurisdictions in the commonwealth, placing uncertainty of direction if ever a case on design failure undertaken by a contractor comes to court. As such, the recommendations are for clear express contractual provisions be made in the standard forms and awareness be raised among the contractors, sub-contractors and the consultants for the design duties and responsibilities to minimize occurrence of structural design failures

    Isu dan Cabaran dalam Pelaksanaan Pendidikan Peringkat Rendah dan Menengah: Pendekatan Malaysia Semasa Pandemik Covid-19

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    Asas pendidikan khususnya di peringkat rendah dan menengah adalah sangat penting dalam mencorak dan membentuk generasi baharu yang seimbang dari aspek intelektual, emosi, jasmani, rohani dan sahsiah, di samping mempunyai daya pemikiran yang kreatif, kritis dan berdaya saing dalam mempersiapkan diri untuk mendepani transformasi pendidikan di peringkat pengajian tinggi dan melahirkan modal insan yang berpengetahuan dan berkemahiran tinggi serta produktif dalam menghadapi pelbagai cabaran yang mendatang di abad ke-21 selaras dengan hasrat Dasar Pendidikan Negara Walau bagaimanapun, sistem pendidikan yang dilaksanakan di negara ini mengalami perubahan drastik dan terjejas teruk apabila semua sekolah perlu ditutup sepenuhnya berikutan negara berhadapan dengan krisis penularan pandemik Covid-19 yang kini menjadi fenomena yang amat membimbangkan rakyat di seluruh dunia. Situasi ini benar-benar memberi kesan yang mendalam kepada semua pihak berkepentingan terutamanya guru-guru dan murid-murid apabila kaedah pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang dahulunya dijalankan secara bersemuka perlu diubah kepada kaedah pembelajaran dari rumah (home-based learning), di samping keperluan mematuhi Standard Operation Standard (SOP) dan mempraktikkan norma-norma baharu dalam menjalani kehidupan seharian. Kajian ini akan membuat penelitian berhubung strategi yang telah diguna pakai oleh Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM) sebagai peneraju sistem pendidikan negara dalam melaksanakan pelbagai inisiatif melalui pendekatan dan kaedah yang terbaik dalam mengatasi isu-isu dan cabaran yang timbul dalam sektor pendidikan, antaranya melaksanakan pendekatan pembelajaran dari rumah, pembatalan dan pindaan tarikh peperiksaan awam, merancang strategi pembukaan semula sekolah selepas tempoh PKP dan pindaan takwim persekolahan tahun 2020 demi memastikan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran dapat diteruskan dan dalam masa yang sama membantu negara memerangi pandemik Covid-19 dalam tempoh Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan yang sedang dilaksanakan sehingga hari ini

    Dynamic Bayesian networks and variable length genetic algorithm for designing cue-based model for dialogue act recognition

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    The automatic recognition of dialogue act is a task of crucial importance for the processing of natural language dialogue at discourse level. It is also one of the most challenging problems as most often the dialogue act is not expressed directly in speaker's utterance. In this paper, a new cue-based model for dialogue act recognition is presented. The model is, essentially, a dynamic Bayesian network induced from manually annotated dialogue corpus via dynamic Bayesian machine learning algorithms. Furthermore, the dynamic Bayesian network's random variables are constituted from sets of lexical cues selected automatically by means of a variable length genetic algorithm, developed specifically for this purpose. To evaluate the proposed approaches of design, three stages of experiments have been conducted. In the initial stage, the dynamic Bayesian network model is constructed using sets of lexical cues selected manually from the dialogue corpus. The model is evaluated against two previously proposed models and the results confirm the potentiality of dynamic Bayesian networks for dialogue act recognition. In the second stage, the developed variable length genetic algorithm is used to select different sets of lexical cues to constitute the dynamic Bayesian networks' random variables. The developed approach is evaluated against some of the previously used ranking approaches and the results provide experimental evidences on its ability to avoid the drawbacks of the ranking approaches. In the third stage, the dynamic Bayesian networks model is constructed using random variables constituted from the sets of lexical cues generated in the second stage and the results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approaches for designing dialogue act recognition model

    Investigating feed mix problem approaches: An overview and potential solution

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    Feed is one of the factors which play an important role in determining a successful development of an aquaculture industry. It is always critical to produce the best aquaculture diet at a minimum cost in order to trim down the operational cost and gain more profit. However, the feed mix problem becomes increasingly difficult since many issues need to be considered simultaneously.Thus, the purpose of this paper is to review the current techniques used by nutritionist and researchers to tackle the issues. Additionally, this paper introduce an enhance algorithm which is deemed suitable to deal with all the issues arise. The proposed technique refers to Hybrid Genetic Algorithm which is expected to obtain the minimum cost diet for farmed animal, while satisfying nutritional requirements. Hybrid GA technique with artificial bee algorithm is expected to reduce the penalty function and provide a better solution for the feed mix problem

    A new lossless method of Huffman coding for text data compression and decompression process with FPGA implementation

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    Digital compression for reducing data size is important because of bandwidth restriction. Compression technique is also named source coding. It defines the process of compressed data using less number of bits than uncompressed form. Compression is the technique for decreasing the amount of information used to represent data without decreasing the quality of the text. It also decreases the number of bits needed to storage or transmission in different media. Compression is a method that makes keeping of data easier for a large size of information. In this study, proposed Huffman design includes encoder and decoder based on new binary tree for improving usage of memory for text compression. A saving percentage of approximately 4°.95% was achieved through the suggested way. In this research, Huffman encoder and decoder were created using Verilog HDL. Huffman design was achieved by using a binary tree. Model Sim simulator tool from Mentor Graphics was used for functional verification and simulation of the design modules. FPGA was used for Huffman implementation

    Roulette-tournament selection for shrimp diet formulation problem

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    This paper aims to propose a new selection procedure for real value encoding problem, specifically for shrimp diet problem.This new selection is a hybrid between two well-known selection procedure; roulette wheel selection and binary tournament selection.Shrimp diet problem is investigated to understand the hard constraints and the soft constraints involved.The comparison between other existing selections is also described for evaluation purposes.The result shows that roulette-tournament selection is better in terms of number of feasible solutions achieved and thus suitable for real value encoding problem.However, the combination with other crossover or mutation might be investigated to find the most suited combination that can obtain better best so far solution

    Aplikasi teori maḥjub terhadap pembaikan sebutan bunyi bahasa Arab dalam kalangan pelajar Sabah

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    Terdapat banyak modul sebutan berada di pasaran yang memperkenalkan teknik pembelajaran dan pengajaran sebutan al-Quran al-Karim dan bahasa Arab. Ada yang menggunakan kaedah klasik, moden dan ada juga yang menggunakan kedua-dua kaedah secara komprehensif. Namun, amat sedikit kita lihat kaedah yang dapat memperbaiki sebutan dan menumpukan secara khusus teknik kepada pelajar bukan Arab. Sering kali diperkatakan tentang masalah sebutan pelajar Sabah tanpa membuat kajian secara terperinci dan ilmiah. Justeru, kajian ini dibuat untuk melihat masalah sebenar sebutan bunyi bahasa Arab pelajar Sabah dan seterusnya mengaplikasikan teori Mahjub (1993) untuk memperbaiki masalah sebutan bahasa Arab. Kajian ini dilakukan di sebuah sekolah menengah kebangsaan di Kota Kinabalu yang responden kajiannya ialah pelajar sekolah tingkatan empat. Objektif kajian adalah untuk mengenal pasti secara ilmiah permasalahan sebutan dalam kalangan pelajar Sabah dan mengaplikasi kaedah fonetik Mahjub, seterusnya melihat keberkesanan modul Mahjub sebagai instrumen terbaik memperbaiki sebutan pelajar Sabah. Kajian kualitatif ini menggunakan huruf-huruf konsonan yang sukar bagi pelajar asing yang dibuat oleh Mahjub (1993) yang menggunakan modul yang digunakan untuk memperbaiki sebutan Arab pelajar asing. Terdapat tiga langkah utama dalam kajian ini, iaitu rakaman ujian pertama (U1) sebagai sebutan bahasa Arab terkini pelajar Sabah, kemudian langkah kedua melaksanakan PdP berdasarkan PdP Mahjub dan langkah yang ketiga membuat rakaman ujian kedua (U2) untuk melihat keberhasilan teori Mahjub dalam memperbaiki sebutan pelajar Sabah. Hasil Kajian menunjukkan nilai yang sangat signifikan antara U1 dan U2. Daripada sembilan huruf yang diuji itu, konsonan ‘Ayn [ ع] paling baik disebut oleh pelajar dan huruf Dad [ ض] paling sukar disebut dalam U1. Dalam U2, huruf Ta’ [ [ط paling sukar disebut dan huruf Sad [ ص] paling mudah disebut. Dalam U1 Fathaṯ paling tinggi skor dengan 68.2 berbanding Sukun yang mempunyai skor paling rendah dengan 33.3. Secara puratanya, dalam U1 pelajar atau responden hanya mendapat purata sekitar 55 skor min bagi Dammaṯ dan Kasraṯ. Namun, pada U2 peningkatan masing-masing Dammaṯ dan Kasraṯ. mendapat skor yang hampir sama, iaitu 77.9 dan 76.9. Data menunjukkan bahawa Sukun paling bermasalah kepada responden dalam sebutan. Begitu juga terdapat perubahan yang signifikan dalam ujian kedudukan Fathaṯ, Dammaṯ dan Kasraṯ dari U1 kepada U2. Kajian menunjukkan bahawa teori Mahjub ini berhasil memperbaiki masalah sebutan dalam kalangan pelajar Sabah dan memberikan satu alternatif untuk diaplikasi dalam PdP pelajar dan membuka ruang kepada penulis lain untuk memanjangkan kajian pada masa akan datang


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    Tulisan ini mengkaji tentang perilaku dalam kaitannya dengan masyarakat nelayan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif pada lokasi di Desa Tamalate Kecamatan Galesong Utara Kabupaten Takalar. Fokus penelitian adalah perilaku nelayan dalam lingkungan keluarga terhadap pendidikan anak. Pendekatan yang digunakan peneliti dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan fenomenologis. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah orang tua  nelayan,  anak nelayan. punggawa, sawi atau buruh nelayan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi dengan instrumen pedoman observasi, pedoman wawancara dan alat-alat dokumen seperti kamera dan lain-lain. Data yang terkumpulkan dianalisis dengan cara reduksi data, penyajian data, dan verifikasi data. Untuk mendapatkan data yang absah, maka diuji dengan cara ketekunan pengamatan, trianggulasi, dan Pengecekan anggota (member checks). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perilaku  keluarga nelayan dalam  Pendidikan Anak di (informal)  Desa Tamalate Kecamatan Galesong berdasarkan hasil temuan, bahwa: (a) Keluarga nelayan  melakukan  ritual-ritual  appasili  dengan melibatkan keluarga dan tetangga (b) Orang tua nelayan melakukan ritual/upacara kelahiran (appatompolo) yang bernuangsa keagamaan melaui upacara akikah.(c). Orang tua nelayan telah membiasakan anak-anak melaut pada usia dini 8-12 tahun (d) Pendidikan kegamaan yang diwarikan kepada anak dilakukan secara turun temurun (e) Keluarga nelayan melakukan upacara adat dan melakukan persembahan dengan cara memberikan sesajen kepada yang diyakini bisa memberi barakah pada saat turun melaut

    VLSI implementation of huffman design using FPGA with a comprehensive analysis of power restrictions

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    Lossless compression is important in Information hypothesis as well as today's IT field. Lossless design of Huffman is most to a large degree used in the compression arena. However, Huffman coding has some limitations where it depends on the stream of symbols appearing in a file. In fact, Huffman coding creates a code with very few bits for a symbol that has a very high probability of occurrence and an utmost number of bits for a symbol with a low probability of occurrence. In this work Hardware implementation of static Huffman coding for data compression using has been designed, this hardware contains both encoder and decoder-based hardware. The proposed systems Altera DE-2 Board have been used in order to implement the text data compression. The experiments with a simulated environment and the real-time implementation for FPGA with Synopsys power analysis show that constraint has been fulfilled and the target design of the buffer length is appropriate. Power consumption that achieved by the proposed algorithm was 0.0161 mW with frequency 20MHz.and 0.1426 mW with frequency 180MHz within the design limitations. The proposed design is implemented by using ASIC and FPGA design methodologies. In order to implement the encoder and decoder architectures, 130 nm standard cell libraries was used for ASIC implementation. The simulations are carried out by using Modelsim tool. The architecture of compression and decompression algorithm design has been created using Verilog HDL language. Quartus II 11.1 Web Edition (32-Bit). In addition, simulated using ModelSim-Altera 10.0c (Quartus II 11.1) Starter Edition. And it is implemented using Altera FPGA (DE2) for real time implementation